It’s only been a few weeks since the opening of the Museum of Idaho’s steampunk exhibit.
But already, it’s making a big impact.
“Just now in the last couple of days also received a major grant and sponsorship from the Idaho Stem Action Center that is going to allow us to do a lot more of stem education which fits into this exhibit really nicely,” said museum PR director Jeff Carr.
The grant was for $82,000 dollars, and it comes the same day the stem action center received $50,000 dollars from US2020 for being one of the eight national winners of the stem coalition challenge.
“This is an agency that was very excited to hear about the exhibit and what we’re going to be able to do with it, so hey were looking forward to supporting it,” said Carr.
The exhibit is still stirring up excitement in the community, and tonight was educator night, where teachers around the area got to experience steampunk for free, and it’s safe to say there will be some field trips in the near future.
“We do stem in the schools which is science, math, technology, and engineering, and art, and so I knew it was similar to that, but this is way more than we obviously do with our elementary school students,” said Westside Elementary teacher Kaitlyn McMutrey.
“I’ve liked everything I’ve seen so far. But the band, the band’s my favorite,” said Idaho Science and Technology Charter School teacher Cindy Bewley.